Dog lovers

Black Labrador called Humphrey in a washing basket
Humphrey my handsome black Labrador, who saw his puppy bed in the washing basket so hopped in!

The world is going dog crazy! Labradors, Springers, Labradoodles, Cocker-doodles, Springer-doodles, Weimaraners, miniature Schnauzers, Yorkshire terriers to name just a few of the breeds that Humphrey and I share our daily walks with. I love dogs - those eyes, that wet nose, and those paws, not to mention the unconditional love and joie de vie! Life is good when you're out with the dog; I'm at my happiest when I'm wearing my pink wellies watching Humphrey playing and performing his party tricks.

Humphrey enjoying his rock singing

Party tricks? Well not so much party tricks, more everyday antics. Humphrey just LOVES large rocks, picking them up and carrying them, signing to them and dropping them in water only to summers his head under the water to find them again. This little routine carries on and on, and always makes me and any passers-by chuckle at his strange rock singing!

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